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聖誕之夜 浪漫法國情懷 Christmas in France or « Noël »

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 16:11

  Food is served in great abundance at a grand feast, which is called 『Le reveillon』, during the midnight mass on Christmas Eve. The menu varies according to regional culinary tradition. In Alsace, goose is the main course, in Burgundy it is turkey with chestnuts, and the Parisians feast upon oysters and goose liver terrine. 『Le revellion』 may consist of poultry, ham, salads, cake, fruit, and wine. Every family will finish their dinner with a traditional Yule log, called 「bûche de noël』. It」s a Yule log-shaped chocolate cake with some sugar figurines on the top.


  In Southern France, a log is burned in people's homes from Christmas Eve until New Years Day. A long time ago, part of the log was used to make the wedge for the plough as good luck for the coming harvest.

  In Paris, all the shopping malls display Christmas scenes in windows for the children. Little animated scenes perform for the pleasure of those who stop and enjoy the show.


編輯:劉靜 稿源《都市精粹》雜志
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