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聖誕頌歌 a christmas carol

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 17:25

  Editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang

  Charles Dickens classic tale 『A Christmas Carol』 has inspired the imagination of many Hollywood writers. Many different stories have been told on the big screen interpreting this tale of the Christmas spirit.

  『A Christmas Carol』 is the tale of a miserable old man named Ebenezer Scrooge who believes Christmas is just an excuse for people to miss work. He doesn't believe in wishing good will toward others or being charitable which is what Christmas should be about. Instead, Mr. Scrooge makes sure everyone knows his feelings toward Christmas by yelling 『Bah! Humbug!』 to anyone who dares wish him a Marry Christmas.

  On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley -- a man just as greedy and cold as Scrooge. Marley warns Scrooge that if he continues to live so selfishly, he will spend eternity wearing the chains that his greed has built; but Scrooge refuses to listen.

  That same night, three ghosts visit Scrooge: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. They show Scrooge what happens when a person values money over people. Scrooge is so frightened by this horrible future that he promises to change his ways.

  Scrooge awakes on Christmas morning a changed man; he is now jolly and charitable. He has become the man he promised the ghosts he would become. The spirit of Christmas says with him all year round.

  When movies were first being made they were created without color or sound. The first creation of Charles Dickens classic tale was the silent film 『A Christmas Carol』 created in 1908. It was produced by Essanay Studios in Chicago and starred Thomas Ricketts as Ebenezer Scrooge.

  Just two years later, another short silent film was created also called 『A Christmas Carol』. This film was directed by J. Searle Dawley for Edison. It runs 15 minutes and features Marc McDermott as Ebenezer Scrooge and Charles Ogle as Bob Cratchit.

  One of the best-known and most acclaimed film adaptations of Charles Dickens 『A Christmas Carol』 was made in 1951 and named Scrooge. This version was directed by Brian Desmond Hurst and the screenplay was written by Noel Langley. Alastair Sim's performance as Ebenezer Scrooge is generally regarded as the ultimate portrayal of the role. The film was written to include parts of the book that had not been seen on the big screen before. The film expands on the story by detailing Scrooge's rise as a prominent businessman who was corrupted by a greedy new mentor that had lured him away from what is good in life. The story even elaborates on Scrooge」s love interest and what happens to her in the end. The film did not attain its current popularity until the 1970s, when it began to be shown on television as a Christmas Special. This movie has become a classic by American standards and is still watched on Christmas Eve in homes all over America. Sim's characterization of Scrooge, from mean and sinister to happy and generous, receives particular praise to this day.

  In 1970 a musical film was released also named 『Scrooge』. It was filmed in London, directed by Ronald Neame, and starred Albert Finney as Scrooge. This new interpretation of a classic, lead other writers to think of creative ways to tell the story of Scrooge.

  『Mickey's Christmas Carol』 is a twenty-four minute animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and was originally released in the United Kingdom on October 20, 1983 by Buena Vista Distribution. The film was released in the United States on December 16, 1983. As an adaptation of the story A Christmas Carol, the movie features Scrooge McDuck as Ebenezer Scrooge and Mickey Mouse as Bob Cratchit. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Subject.

  『Scrooged』 is a 1988 comedic film modernization of Charles Dickens's novella, A Christmas Carol. It was produced and directed by Richard Donner, and the cinematography was by Michael Chapman. The screenplay was written by Mitch Glazer and Michael O'Donoghue. The original music score was composed by Danny Elfman. The cast includes: Bill Murray, Karen Allen, Bob "Bobcat" Goldthwait, John Forsythe, Carol Kane, David Johansen, John Houseman, John Glover, and Robert Mitchum. It also features cameo appearances by Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton, musicians Larry Carlton, Miles Davis, David Sanborn, and Paul Shaffer, actor/singer Robert Goulet, and actors Jamie Farr, Buddy Hackett, Lee Majors, and Pat McCormick. 『The Muppet Christmas Carol』 was released in 1992 and was a classic with Muppet lovers everywhere.『A Christmas Carol』 is said to be released in December 2008. It will be directed by Robert Zemeckis and star Jim Carrey as Scrooge. It is a 3D animated feature. Zemeckis has stated previously that A Christmas Carol is one of his favorite stories.

  Charles Dickens Classic story of a bitter old man learning the true meaning of Christmas has touched hearts everywhere. The story continues to fascinate and entertain families over 100 years after its creation. That is a true Christmas Classic.

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