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卷首語——溫暖 Warm

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 17:25

  I like areas where all the trees and flowers have gone into hiding from the cold breath of winter. You can see little yellow leaves reel in the breeze and although chrysanthemums are sparse, they remain even in the frigid cold of winter to show their defiance.

  I love winter. Though she is known for her violence, her haze can create a gloomy blanket, her light is brief, and her nights are endless; I still love her. I like winter because her clarity can make all the people lucid and palpable. Winter in the north; the lonesome and bare tress call letters to the distance, while the beautiful snowflakes thrown in the copious fields soon become the vivacity of the spring .

  The cold season allow people realize what is warm. Warm has a largo breast; though she has been avoided and excluded in summer, she also comes to us benevolently in winter. Because warm can bring love, we have a mind to decorate every festal at hand and so many festivals come, in the winter. With the warmth of the fire, we can drink warm tea and wait for our loved ones in the shelter of our warm home.




  A boy cares for a little turtle. The turtle often hides its head in its shell to hide from the cold winter. Though the boy does everything he can to force the turtle out of his shell but the turtle refuses to come out.

  The boy」s grandpa sees the problem his grandson faces and so he puts the turtle on a warm floor; soon the little turtle sticks out its head, legs, and tail.

  When the boy sees the turtle, he becomes very happy. So his grandpa tells to him: whenever you want others to do a something for you, you cannot attack them. You should instead care for them because in this way, they will always be good to you.

  This is the power of warmth. She may look soft but when used properly she can prove to be very strong indeed.





編輯 劉靜 稿源 《都市精粹》雜志
天氣交通 天津福彩 每月影訊 二手市場
空氣質量 天津股票 廣播節目 二手房源
失物招領 股市大擂臺 天視節目 每日房價
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