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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-12-07 16:15


  Hi, it's me again, the foreign editor. Please picture in your head a thousand black wires squirming along the ground. They twist and curl around your whole body and assimilate you. Now you are an electronic device, the Ijerk. You are put on display; the customers all ogle you; little kids touch you with their crusty poopoo hands. Eventually you are bought. Your new owner drops you all the time and you break. Robot rights, people, that's all I'm saying.

編輯 劉靜 稿源 《JIN》雜志
天氣交通 天津福彩 每月影訊 二手市場
空氣質量 天津股票 廣播節目 二手房源
失物招領 股市大擂臺 天視節目 每日房價
[聯系我們] 熱線電話:23601772 加盟打折商家:23601772 在線客服QQ:1121728882 信箱:tjtong@staff.enorth.cn
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