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東西差異:JADED – comfort language

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-12-07 16:22

  By Vitra Boozer




  On a recent trip for reasonably priced Chinese furniture, I had to pass by some small stalls selling trinkets and small ornaments. After an unsuccessful furniture search, I began to feel hopeless. The prices were very high, and with my limited bartering skills, their 『best foreigner price』 was way above my budget; especially when considering I couldn」t be sure of the quality of the workmanship and material. It was a case of buy it because you like it and not because you think you are getting a great deal. To break up the boredom, I decided to browse those small trinket stalls. After walking the length of the market, just as I was about to double back, my eyes were drawn to some jade bracelets. I tried on a few green ones and then spied a white one with a few brownish patches. Mindlessly, I put it over my fingers, and as I tried to nudge it towards my wrist, with very little effort, it broke apart, fell to the ground, and splintered into a few more pieces.

  The store owner turned to me accusingly and insisted I pay for it. Now, I know that high quality jade would break if it fell to the ground, but this was from a vender whose highest asking price was Ұ80. Even worse, the bracelet never fell to the ground; it broke while I was trying it on. My first instinct was that this was an old trick where it had been broken and loosely glued back together earlier, and they were waiting for an unsuspecting customer to try it on. I refuse to be had like that. It was the first time I have ever resorted to speaking my native language and saying exactly what was on my mind. It was liberating and comforting because no one around me knew what I was saying. My English was too fast and angry. If I had clumsily dropped the bracelet and broke it, I would feel responsible, but that was not the case. I quickly walked away, with the shop owner on my heels. After a long fifteen minutes, he shouted at me to follow him in another direction. I quickened my pace and hurried to a waiting car. The seller decided it was pointless to continue and left. I was extremely relieved.

  Sometimes it can be frustrating trying to be understood here. Coming to China has made me understand what it must be like to be language impaired. Language is a tool we use to express ourselves and nothing feels more natural and comfortable than the language we first discovered the world with. In a crisis situation this is most evident.

編輯 劉靜 稿源 《JIN》雜志
天氣交通 天津福彩 每月影訊 二手市場
空氣質量 天津股票 廣播節目 二手房源
失物招領 股市大擂臺 天視節目 每日房價
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