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天津皮糖張 Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-12-07 16:24





  Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy

  A famous local specialty

  Zhang Shaogong, the founder of Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy, was originally from Shanxi. At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, his family migrated to the north with refugees and made a living selling homemade candy during the long move. Their delicious candy came in many vivid shapes, so the refugees」 kids just had to have them. There」s nothing like a tasty piece of candy to bring some joy to a long, arduous migration, right? They became known for their candy, and people began to call the family 『Sugar Figurine Zhang.』

  After settling down in Tianjin, the family continued to sell their candy. During Emperor Daoguang」s Regime in the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Shaogong established a factory in Tianjin and sold the candy wholesale under the name Zhang」s Sugar Candy. One fortuitous day, a stranger fainted in front of Zhang」s house. Zhang took him home and called some doctors over to see what the hell was wrong with the guy. Well, that guy turned out to be Zhang Wannian, a skilled candy maker from Guangdong province. He had gone through some bad times and was addicted to opium. He spent all his money on the sweet relief it brought. Desperate, he came to Tianjin to seek the help of his friends and relatives, but somehow managed to contract pneumonia and pass out in just the right spot. He was very grateful for the help, and in order to pay back his debt, he taught Zhang Shaogong his super special method of making soft chewy candies. Awesome! During Emperor Guangxu」s Regime in the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Shaogong took full advantage of his new skill, and Zhang」s Sugar Candy was renamed Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy. He set up a new workshop in Hongqiao District.

  In the early 20th century, Zhang Jun, who had the family business passed on to him, brought many of the other styles of soft chewy candies in the city under the Zhang」s Candy umbrella and took the family business to a whole new level.

  Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy saw even more favorable conditions after the reforms of the 1980s. Zhang Xueli, the third generation Zhang, studied the soft chewy candies made by other workshops and started a chewy candy revolution: hard outside, soft inside. It wasn」t long before Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy became a household name nationwide.

  In 1991, Zhang Xueli handed down the special candy making skill to the fourth generation. In 1996, they tried to register the name Zhang」s Soft Chewy Candy but failed. The reason was that in China, a brand name cannot include a person」s surname. They settled on the name Lao Shao Le, which literally means something enjoyed by both young and old.

  Today, there are 18 flavors of candy. Made of choice sesames, powdered sugar, and starch, their handmade candies are low in sugar, chewy, and neither too sweet nor too sticky. In recent years, they have started to produce some other snacks, such as crisp candy, chocolates, and fried dough twists. All their products sell very well in supermarkets nationwide, and are also successful abroad, especially in Japan, Germany, and Russia.

編輯 劉靜 稿源 《JIN》雜志
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