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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-12-07 16:29


  A Canadian man who has changed 31 jobs in 31 weeks, now becomes the most active job hopper in the world. After experiencing various kinds of jobs he has done, such as radio dj, waiter and yoga instructor, he hoped to find the one that suited him the most.



  An 62-year-old lady Wu in Chongqing had a plastic surgery three months ago. But now she asked the doctor to recover what she looked before because her husband who had been married with her for forty years, was jealous that lady Wu, who became very beautiful after the surgery, was always surrounded by men and even wanted to divorce her.



  According to National ID Number Enquiry Centre, there are 3491 people around China called 『Ao Yun』 (Olympic Games), most of which were born around 2000 when Beijing successfully won the bid of holding 2008 Olympic Games. Most of 『Ao Yun』s are boys who are supposed to be more sporty than girls. Besides, there are over 4000 people have the same names of the five Fu Wa, the mascots of 2008 Olympic Games.



  Register for 2008 National Public Servant Examination ended on November 2nd. The examination is even more popular than ever. For some hot position, the demand and supply rate can reach as high as 1: 3592, which makes the exam far more competitive than college entrance examination. Fresh university graduates are the majority of the registered examinees.



  While food gives people energy, it can also make people happier. Usually when people are feeling depressed, they go see a psychologist, but food can also lift people」s spirits. Scientific studies show that foods such as deep sea fish, bananas, grapefruits, all wheat bread, spinach, cherries, garlic, pumpkins, low fat milk and chicken can help fight against depression.



  The Beijing Great Wheel which will stand in eastern Beijing's Chaoyang Park is higher than both the London Eye and the Singapore Flyer, which opens in March. The Beijing Great Wheel will tower 208 metres (682 ft) when finished in 2009, which would make it the highest and largest in the world.



  A mother of a sixteen-year-old boy in Nottingham paid a stripper to perform on her son」s class to celebrate his 16th birthday. The school and the local education department are very angry about this incident and had began an investigation. But according to the mother, she just booked a prank from a show company and it was the company」s fault to send a wrong performer.



  Chocolate beauty Beyonce Knowles held her concert at Taipei. The day before the concert, she arrived at Taipei and began her shopping in luxury shops like Dior and RobertoCavalli. She spent 1,870,000 New Taiwan Dollar in one hour!


編輯 劉靜 稿源 《JIN》雜志
天氣交通 天津福彩 每月影訊 二手市場
空氣質量 天津股票 廣播節目 二手房源
失物招領 股市大擂臺 天視節目 每日房價
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