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雨夜 a rainy night

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35

  Editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang







  When I arrived in Dali, it was raining. The car is running then it stops; running then stops. When our car finally reaches the ancient city, the light in every house turned on as if to say: Welcome traveler.

  The ancient city has a very serene street. Several local people are walking on it. It is hard to imagine someone walking fast on it because this is a place where everyone walks with grace, peace, and with a purpose. This is a place of both peace and enthusiasm. It is called the blue stone street and walking on it allows travelers to feel the special Eastern affection. The girls here dress simply and from their style they can show their confidence as well as their good taste. The local girls don」t like make-up. Their porcelain face suits everyone and there is no need for improvement. It is true and pure beauty.

  There are many stores that line the narrow road. Local products are sold here as well as many different types of jade articles. A special form of dye is made here and it helps many to produce unique hand crafted products. There is a famous scenic road which is lined with many delicious places to eat. These shops make traditional Chinese Rice Thread and BBQ which are known all over China. It is a shame for someone good at eating because the special flavor is believed to be important for the traveler」s journey, but you can only find this flavor in Dali.

  When arriving in the city, we see several girls gathered around a well; they are all about 20 years old. Each of them holds an iron thread with different size fish. They are talking and eating. Everyone looks very happy. I can smell the flavor of the fish and as I do, I remember a time when I was in school and several classmates went on spring break and, imitating the television, caught several fish to cook over an open fire. We cooked fish but they did not turn out very well. It may appear easy to catch fish and cook them but when you are eating fish that don」t taste very good and you neglected to bring any other food with you, the fun ends rather quickly. When I saw the beautiful girls cooking and laughing, I felt a far away feeling of sadness, but I also feel benevolence. The girls turn their fish with one hand and seasoning the fish with the other hand. Meanwhile, they are lightly whispering to each other. I ask if I may buy a fish from them. The girls giggle when they see we are not local people. A girl in a blue suit tells me to sit down and they will serve us the fish.

  I choose two seats near the street while we eat the delicious fish and enjoy the local wine. This is a place filled with strong affection and romance. When you stay here you can come back to yourself and savor your experiences. You can cast away the trivial things in life and soak in what is truly important. People seem to think that falling in love is the way of modern people; that love can only be romantic with an overwhelming sense of sorrow and pain. But in reality, love has the classical emotional appeal of warmth and tenderness embedded in its core. As I ponder this, I can」t help but feel regret for the modern young people. Their method for loving is so stiff and cold. After my experience in this loving city, I do not wish to abandon Dali; when I think I finally need to go, sadness stains my heart.

  Dali is silent cradled in the curtain of night. I am walking down the street and saying my goodbyes to the fairy-tale city. During the rainy season, like today, there are very large raindrops that fall on the roof. The sound is lovely and I regard the sound as a classical elegant song. Dali was made for us; made for the comfort of travelers who are seeking true beauty and peace.

編輯:劉靜 稿源《都市精粹》雜志
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