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平移巴黎香氣 Paris Village

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35
text by : Kathryne Ogrod , translated by: Elsa Zhang

  坐在巴黎賽納河的游艇上,沐浴金色日光,盡享法國葡萄酒和法式美食是很多人夢寐以求的唯美畫面。但從中國到法國的高額長途跋涉,又讓很多人望而生畏。正是因為這個原因 吉恩•查?斯先生和他的太太馬汀娜女士決定將那幅唯美的法國圖畫平移至中國。






  Many people dream of a time when they can bask in the glow of the setting sun on a boat floating along the La Seine River in Paris; sipping French wine and enjoying authentic French food. Unfortunately, it is so expensive to travel to Paris from China. The thought of the hassles of traveling or spending so much money is often too overwhelming for most people. This is why Mr. Jean Charles and his wife Martine has decided to bring the delight of the French experience to China.

  You no longer have to journey half way across the world in order to enjoy the sights, sounds, and even food of Paris. You can enjoy the beauty of the Eiffel Tower, Arch D」 triumph, and the Moulin Rouge from your table while drinking the best French wine and enjoying the delicious French food. While listening to the gentle tones of French music, Jean Charles will be more than happy to talk about France and educate guests on the culture as well as traditions of his home.

  It is well known that the French truly have a passion for good food. All dishes are prepared by Martine herself with the customer in mind. Martine has studied cooking in France for many years. Any specific need or desire will be taken into account by the magnificent chefs at Paris Village. The main purpose of this restaurant is to please the customer. When you walk home after enjoying a fantastic meal, great music, and wonderful conversation, then the restaurant has served its purpose.

  Before coming to China, Jean Charles and Martin lived in Africa. They served French food to many customers who had never before experienced French cuisine. After many years of catering to the grateful customers in Africa, he and his wife decided to come to Tianjin China. They both knew that Tianjin is a rapidly growing area that has yet to sample authentic French cooking. Of course, Tianjin has been greatly influenced by France and many building show French architecture, but there are rare authentic French restaurants in this city.

  The French bread in this restaurant is made by hand, the wine is imported directly from the vineyards of France, the foie gras (goose liver pate) is also imported directly from France, and the lamp chops are imported from New Zealand. French pizza is made special for any willing guest, which is much different than anything you would get at Pizza Hut. From the moment you step in the front door, you are transported to a land that prides itself on making the best food and wine. After your experience at this restaurant, you will understand the enthusiasm behind the French passion for food.

  With the start of the new year, it is time to try a new restaurant and begin a new infatuation……

編輯:劉靜 稿源《都市精粹》雜志
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