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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35
 text by Jenny Bai translated  by Elsa Zhang
天津萬麗泰達酒店在天津是一家不容忽視的五星級酒店,優美的音符從大堂的黑色鋼琴中傳出, 高貴典雅的氣氛籠罩著這座布局別致的酒店。能夠有幸采訪這裡新到任的總經理漢斯·龍田斯先生是一樁令我向往已久的差事,今天終於如願以償。
龍田斯先生是在一九九零年加入酒店行業。比利時領事館、上海希爾頓國際酒店、美國加利福尼亞 HOU WA 實業公司、臺北喜來登酒店、無錫喜來登酒店、臺北威斯汀酒店、喜達屋酒店集團、阿拉伯ROTANA酒店、埃及開羅萬豪酒店以及埃及及塔巴萬豪度假酒店都曾留下過他的身影。二零零一年龍田斯先生正式加入萬豪集團,其嚴謹的工作作風和慷慨的處事方式使其美譽傳遍四方。
The Renaissance TEDA Tianjin Hotel is hardly a site that goes unnoticed, with its five star status, elegant setting, and whimsical black piano notes floating around the lobby. Coupled with an opportunity to interview Hans Loontiens, the new General Manager, it is certainly a coveted place to be.
Mr. Loontiens began his career in the hotel industry in 1990. The Belgium consulate, Shanghai Hilton International Hotel, American California Hou Wa Industrial Company, Taibei Sheraton Hotel, Wuxi Sheraton Hotel, Taibei Westin Hotel, Starwood Hotel Group, Arabia Rotana Hotel, Egypt Cairo Marriott, and Egypt Taba Marriott Resort make up his portfolio, to name a few. Since joining Marriott Group in 2001, Loontiens has built his reputation on excellence, a serious work ethic, and a more than generous style.
On December 1, 2007, Loontiens found his place as a new member of the Renaissance family. 
METROZINE: Mr Loontienswhat do you think about China?
Mr Loontiens: 『China is one of the most exciting markets. It is developing at such an amazing pace.』
Loontiens explains his observations of the development of the hotel industry in China. He points out that now, more than ever, foreigners have become a natural element in most Chinese hotels. Because China is making such efforts to open itself to the world, foreigners are beginning to feel more and more comfortable in this great Middle Country. And because foreigners are spending time in China, China is gaining – outside perspectives, skills, trades, and status.   China has stepped onto the international track, soon to be leading the march. Loontiens also has much hope for Tianjin, an area he claims to be young, though quickly rising to the occasion.
METROZINE: How have you been able to implement the Marriott Culture into the local one?
Mr Loontiens: 『Mr. Marriott always said: if you look after your associates, they will look after your customers, and if you look after your customers, they will come back again and again. We are looking for happy customers.』  
METROZINE: What about cross-cultural communication? How do you create an effective forum for your employees?
Mr Loontiens: 『We must respect each other」s culture. Only then can we learn that there is no right or wrong, just different.』  
METROZINE: Thank you, and what else?
Mr Loontiens: 『I am very excited to be in Tianjin!』
In addition to his career, life is also a priority for Loontiens. Reading and golf are past times he cherishes. But family has always been the safeguard of his career.
編輯:劉靜 稿源《都市精粹》雜志
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