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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35






  The great French Sculptor Auguste Rodin once said, 『Beauty is everywhere for our eyes to see. We do not lack beauty but we lack the ability to discover it.』

  Do not be sad when you reach the last page of your calendar. Open a new calendar and focus all your eyes on the new one. Discover the new beautiful things in the next year. Maybe we should learn to give up the old year and make room for the new one. Not everyone, posses the courage to let go. If you can do it, if you have done it before, you will be different just like the story 『Who moved my cheese?』 If you become different you will become like the wise mouse in the story.

  Have you noticed the connection between the new year and the old one? Now, during this time, you hold the unforgettable memories of 2007 and the expectations of 2008. Time strides forward with giant leaps without notifying anyone. No matter if you can follow time; it will continue to march forward. As far as us, what will we do? Follow side by side or lead time?

  Breathe and listen to the sound of the ancient gong ringing in the New Year.

  Have you heard the urgent and honest step of the New Year?

編輯 劉靜 稿源 《都市精粹》雜志
天氣交通 天津福彩 每月影訊 二手市場
空氣質量 天津股票 廣播節目 二手房源
失物招領 股市大擂臺 天視節目 每日房價
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