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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-13 17:08
by Joei Villarama

Chinese Boot Camp -- the name conjures up images of days locked up in a box where no light can penetrate because you had incorrectly pronounced the tones, or of doing a hundred push ups due to ghastly sentence structure, or of gallons of water being pumped into your stomach brought on by once again forgetting an oft forgotten word.  You」ll do anything short of selling your soul to whip your Chinese to a decent level. Learning a language may be harmful to your mental health, but boot camp can kill you.


Or so I thought.  The one I attended for two weeks in Shijiazhuang was like an extended party.  When you arrive, you can literally do as the clich? goes and stop to smell the roses as there are some growing by the gate of the newly renovated resort. Every morning, I voluntarily woke up at 6:30 to leisurely saunter to the park where I could exercise with the old folks and listen to newfound friends practice the two-stringed violin and sing Beijing opera


But the greatest bonus of the camp by far is meeting people from all over the world who are just as crazy as you are about studying Chinese. People like Eddie Bruce, the magic carpet driver from the Caribbean who played his guitar during class breaks and who teaches his grandson Chinese calligraphy, passing on his graceful command of the strokes to the next generation of Sino-enthusiasts, and Scott Lewis, who」s aiming to master the six official languages of the United Nations because he dreams of becoming a war reporter someday. It」s discovering that everybody loses all semblance of inhibition during the karaoke nights filled with both outgoing rock star types and shy personalities breaking out of their usual quiet modes.


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編輯:劉靜 稿源《JIN》雜志
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