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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-13 17:08

A hotel receptionist demonstrated taichi on the grass while the foreigners struggled to replicate her calm contortions to the delight of grinning photographers.  An unassuming traditional Chinese doctor was asked about sexual dysfunctions by an Italian classmate, but the translator was too embarrassed to convey the real meaning to him.  We mastered colors by playing UNO and got a glimpse of how addicts fall into the mahjong habit.  We studied two songs, one of which was far too sappy for some peoples」 tastes because for them, the moon definitely doesn」t represent their heart and they would never tell their girlfriend such saccharine untruth.  Amateur hands got dirty rolling jiaozi (dumplings) for dinner, and although it had nothing to do with Chinese, we mixed sangr?a and danced salsa on the side. Winners of the treasure hunt were rewarded with Dove chocolates for quickly decoding the given clues in Chinese characters, with the activity culminating in a rush to pile atop a "mountain that's not a mountain" for a Facebook-perfect group picture. 




And what about the language acquisition, you ask?   We had kouyu (speaking) in the morning and writing in the afternoon in three levels of classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  We had plenty of homework, exercises, and speeches to work on with the help of our young volunteer teachers who were burning the midnight oil every night in the conference room where we congregated. We kept ourselves awake with stories, wedding pictures, card games, chocolate mushroom, beer, wine, and anything else that might chase the sandman away. Proof of the pudding: Sebastian Bujnoch, an absolute beginner, was proudly trading human body parts in a classroom dialogue purely in putonghuaMandarin Chinese!


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編輯:劉靜 稿源《JIN》雜志
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