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貢苑:一條悠長的文化隧道 saigon court: a doorway to culture

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 16:11

  The Saigon Court restaurant is quickly becoming known as a cultural combination of ancient China. It is very popular for its traditional Vietnam and Thailand dishes as well as the relaxing gentle atmosphere of the restaurant. Foreigners all over Tianjin have been flocking to this refuge to bask in the revelry of China」s ancient culture.

  Mr. Wu has always had a passion for creating his own business. Born in South China and raised in Tianjin, he has become enthralled with the beauty of culture. Mr. Wu started his first business in college called the Friendship Camel. This store was a huge success but because Mr. Wu was so young there was doubt as to whether or not the store would be as good as everyone hoped. Mr. Wu has put much thought and dedication into everything he has applied himself to.

  The Saigon Court restaurant used to be a house 70 years ago. There were many things about it he fell in love with it. Mr. Wu decided to keep the same style of the house because it gave made the restaurant feel comforting and relaxing. Using jungle themed decorations along with gentle French music, the restaurant has become a place for customers to become immersed in culture.

  There are many who call Saigon Court, Little Paris (Ho Chi Minh) because the architecture is a mixture between American and French design. Through looking at the rooms, hallways, and stairways you can see the effect that the French have had on this building. As a celebration of their heritage, many French traditions are still kept to this day; such as distilling the coffee pot. The bottom of the pot will contain the ground coffee beans; when hot water is poured over the coffee beans, then poured into a coffee cup the smell, the aroma which generates will relax the heart and soul. In many coffee shops, when you order a cup of light coffee, you can enjoy what I have mentioned. The Viet Nam dishes are also comprised of French influence, due to the fact that Viet Nam has been ruled by France. You can taste the traces of French inspiration in every dish. The most important secret of Viet Nam dishes is the type of fish used which has a strong flavor. When prepared properly, the flavor of spices mix with the fish to create a pleasant after taste. This is the moment when you will relish these dishes.

  Pictures line the walls as doorways to a time when life was simple. The restaurant is designed especially for customers who are looking to let go of stress and remember a time when happiness came more easily to people. This is a time when people did not have to think about fighting traffic every morning, waiting in line for gasoline, or trying to find a decent home to live in.

  The attraction to this restaurant is the accepting atmosphere of all foreigners. No matter who you are or where you come from, this restaurant invites you to indulge in a way few people get to experience. There are even a wide range of coffee」s, beers, liquors, and wines for every type of foreigner to enjoy. Several Japanese books line the shelves for the enjoyment of customers while they relax in the warmth of the restaurant.

  『These days, few people take the time to soak in culture. That is what I wanted to do with my restaurant. I wanted to create a doorway to culture.』 Mr. Wu has done much with the Saigon Court restaurant in an effort to create a place of culture. In the bar area, there is even a Palm tree covered in Christmas ornaments to make Westerners more welcome. However, many foreigners crave this restaurant because of the quality of the service as well as the quality of each dish. Even the Spring Rolls are made authentically, which is greatly appreciated by the Japanese and Korean customers. 『Money is important for any business, but what a business needs to be truly successful is passion.』 Mr. Wu has worked very hard to introduce historical culture to his clientele, which has never been done before in this area. This enthusiasm and passion is passed on to each customer for an enduring impression shared among loved ones.

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編輯:劉靜 稿源《都市精粹》雜志
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